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6 most common Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety affects nearly 40 million US adults, while only 39.6 percent of people diagnosed with anxiety receive the proper treatment. Two hundred ninety-eight million people are affected by anxiety disorder worldwide.

Anxiety can be defined as an emotion in which a person has a continuous sense of worry and stress about the coming future. A person always feels nervous, disappointed, and worried without any particular reason, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.


When physical symptoms like an increase in blood pressure and nausea are visible in a person diagnosed with Anxiety, then it becomes an anxiety disorder.

During this, the duration of anxious feelings gets out of control. A person experiences recurring, stressful, and disturbing thoughts. When anxiety becomes an anxiety disorder, then it becomes difficult for a person to perform their daily tasks.

Symptoms of Anxiety disorder:

Some of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorder are:

  • Increase in heart rate

  • Irritability

  • Insomnia

  • Constant feeling worried

  • Difficulty in concentrating

  • Restlessness


6 common anxiety disorders
6 common anxiety disorders

1) Generalized Anxiety disorder:

A person experiencing GAD always feels on edge regularly for more than six months. They forever live in a sense of fear of their health, work, relationships, financial issues, and others. It disturbs the pattern of their daily lives and affects their ability to work efficiently. About 6.8 million US are affected by GAD. It sometimes becomes difficult to diagnose as it does not have any unique symptoms like other anxiety disorders.

Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms include:

  • Restlessness

  • Unable to sleep

  • Feeling irritated

  • Depression

  • Headaches

  • Difficulty in concentrating

  • Fatigue

2) Panic Disorder:

People with panic disorder experience frequent panic attacks, which are intense and frightening. People may also worry about having another attack and try to prevent it by avoiding places and situations where the earlier attack had happened. Worrying about another anxiety attack and trying to counter it causes agoraphobia. About 6 million US adults experience panic attacks.

Panic attack symptoms include:

  • Sweating

  • Choking sensation

  • An overwhelming feeling of fear

  • Trembling

  • Numbness

  • A sense of having a heart attack

  • An accelerated heart rate

3) Social anxiety disorder:

Sometimes it is also called social phobia. People with social anxiety disorder have high Anxiety towards social situations. They often feel awkward during social situations and experience intense Anxiety during public performance and social conditions. Fear includes eating in public, meeting new people, speaking in general, and dating. About 15 million US adults experience a social anxiety disorder.

Some symptoms of social anxiety disorder include:

  • Trembling

  • Stammering when speaking

  • Sweating

  • Nausea

  • Fast heartbeat

4) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD):

Obsession is generally out of control and can make a person feel distressed and anxious. Obsession becomes recurring thoughts that promote an unhealthy pattern of behavior and interferes in the daily working of a person. Whereas compulsion is an obvious thought which someone thinks about or repeatedly do to relieve Anxiety. For instance, checking if the oven is on or checking that the front door is locked. It affects around 2.2 million US adults.

The different types of OCD are:

  • Cleanliness – being obsessive about washing hands or caring about everything is in symmetry and order. Obsessive cleaning reduces the fear of contamination.

  • Checking – Living with obsessive fear about the harm that can cause them and their surroundings.

  • Intrusive thoughts – The thoughts which are disappointing, upsetting, and horrifying.

  • Hoarding – The habit of repeatedly counting the items such as clothes and unable to throw away useless things.

5) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD):

It is an anxiety symptom that people can experience after a life-threatening situation. People live in fear for an extended period, even if they are not harmed in that incident. People with PTSD experience the same feelings as they did during the traumatic attack.

Some of PTSD symptoms include:

  • Re-living the traumatic situation: People with PTSD tend to live the traumatic event that happened in their lives at some point in time. During that phase, they have intense emotional and physical reactions.

  • Feeling emotionally numb: People with PTSD feel emotionally numb. They detach themselves from friends and family. They lose their interest in their daily activities.

  • Being wound up: People with PTSD look for signs of danger. They have sleeping difficulties and start to lose concentration.

6) Phobia:

It means having an excessive fear of a particular situation (social situations) or an object (sharp objects). It affects about 19 million US adults.


Convincing people to participate in paid clinical trials can be complicated. Several factors can influence the decision to participate in a clinical trial, the most prominent being whether you wish to contribute to the advancement of medications.

Your participation in a clinical trial does not only benefit other patients and prospect treatments for several diseases, but you can also get early access to medicines that are not yet available for the general public. You are also financially compensated for your time and effort.

Your participation in a clinical trial can help in medical advancement, and clinical research studies cannot be conducted without you. If you are someone living with Anxiety, then you can participate in Anxiety clinical trials, California.



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